Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gotcha Day

Originally posted on Tuesday 16th

So we woke up this morning at around 6 and we went to breakfast. It was wonderful. There was fruit, bacon, and toast!!! I will survive if breakfast is the only meal I eat so be it! God knows I could stand to lose a few pounds.
After the meal we met Jerry and the Irwin family downstairs and went to the Civil Affairs Office. It was a plain building...nothing very fancy. You can see pictures of it in my Nora Henley Album. We went into the office; it was clean but very plain. Tara and Billy signed some paperwork and then all of a sudden I saw her come in the door. She turned around and we saw the back of her head and we were sure it was her. She came right to Tara and then went to her Daddy. She never cried and seemed to be completely content to just be with her Mommy and Daddy.
I held her for a few minutes while they were finishing up the paperwork, then after getting her footprints done Tara sang her to sleep.
Billy put her into his little front papoose and that's where she stayed until we got to the motel.
After the civil affairs office we went to the Police Station and had her Passport Photo made, and then we went to the grocery store. That was a true adventure. It was called CareFour and the bottom level was like a department store, the 2nd level was like the home goods and baby section of Wal-mart, and the top level was the grocery store. There were escalators with no stairs just sort of you could take the buggy on. I found Coke, Ritz Crackers, Land O Lakes Cheese, and OREO'S...I think we actually danced in the store over the OREO's. When we checked out there were little plastic basket's in the store and that is what they put your food in. I am sure there were also plastic bags but we didn't see them or even think about looking for them. So when we get down to the cab and start to take the basket a police officer stops us so we had to load the individual items into the cab and then carry them in. We were so tired we could have cared less...
We came back to the room and took her three layers of clothes off and she has played with us the entire time. She loves her daddy and cries when he walks away from her. I watched her while Tara and Billy went down to exchange money and she was a perfect angel...she likes riding the horsy on my knee and playing peek-a-boo...she's likes to be tickled and loves for me to stand and sway with her. I love this little china doll so very much. She is such a blessing.
We fed her some Congee a little while ago...don't ask what it is it smells like poo...but she eats it. Now she is asleep in her crib. She is such a sweetie...We prayed for her and anointed her and claimed the blood of Jesus over her.
God has been so active and amazing through this whole thing. He gave me two scriptures to claim over her and I quoted them before we prayed they are:
Isaiah 35:10
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
1 Peter 2:9
I am a member of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people.
Her time of sorrow and sighing has gone and her joy has come to stay she is a member of a chosen generation and part of His nation. That is the only nationality that really matters.
Please pray for the other family their daughter has a heart problem and she is in the hospital her toes and fingers are turning blue and they need to get her home and to Vanderbilt quickly. They are a Christian family. Please pray that God will work in an awesome way.
I am about to upload a couple of new pictures. We love hearing from you all thanks for all of the emails and comments. Love you all!
Kids mommy misses you so bad you have no clue. If it wasn't for my bible and this computer I think I would fly home this minute. Mitchell, I miss you too take care of the kids and call me when you can. God Bless You All!

10:05 AM

Nora is here!! Current mood: exhausted
It has all been worth the little face that is my profile picture. Every mile flown, every car dodged and every piece of rice eaten. She is worth them all and more. She is so precious has hardly cried at all and loves to laugh!!! I am too tired to type too much right now but let me just tell you she is perfect.
Pray for the other family the Irwin's their daughter is sick and in the hospital. Pray that God would make a way to get her home safely.

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